About Tex
Lead Developer @ Talentvine
Tex started his coding journey many moons ago, in the long-distant past of 2010. The relationship was initially on-and-off, starting with a C# implementation of solitaire for a Bach. of Game Design (unfinished), naturally following through to writing C for microcontrollers and MATLAB for computer vision for a Bach. of Mechatronics Engineering (also unfinished).
After a series of extremely serendipitous meetings, beginning with an attempt to get a research assistant position (unsuccessful), and ending with an attempt to raise funding for a political party (also unsuccessful), Tex found himself as technical co-founder and CTO of TalentVine in late 2015.
He was accepted for Startup Catalyst Youth Mission (2015) from thousands of applicants, and drove TalentVine’s development throughout the muru-D accelerator program (BNE2)